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Lummox Journal
Lummox Press

Being a growing collection of titles by some of the best poets in the small press to date.

Little Red Book series

Other Titles From Lummox

Some reviews of the more than 30 titles available from the Lummox Press.

"[On/Off the Beaten Path] is a wonderful companion volume to A Journey Up the Coast illustrating this poet's agile descriptive and narrative powers." -- Tim Scannell (reviewed in The Bent, Fall of 2000)

"The poetry (Paper Heart 3) offers Raindog's unique take on romance and love. Without sounding sappy or jaded, he combs the depths of love and affection, detailing not only the absolute elation it can bring, but also the dysfunctional characteristics that tend to seep through the cracks." - Holly Matter

"The Manx Tales by RD Armstrong... 15 semi-autobiographical tales of urban alienation & isolation - very internal, very intense. Plenty of ironic humor, & wry sex. This Raindog is one cool cat."
-- John Berbrich (From The Marrow, #5, March 2000)

"The Wren Notebook is first-class in all respects, Rick Smith's feathered persona is a unique and fertile inspiration, allowing the personal and the imaginative to coalesce wherever wrens and humans venture: Paris to Philly, Dublin to China, NYC to Dakota, California to the Equator. The lines are deft, quick, oblique . . . wren-like in their dartings. It is truly an original sequence, and the design, illustration, layout, and printing palpably enhance the words. This first entry in the Little Red Book Master Series continues that standard of professionalism which one associates with Raindog's Lummox Productions."
-- Gerald Locklin, Poet and teacher (CSULB)

"...bought the jazz anthology [Eyes Like Mingus]... I was blown away. Particularly by "Zoot". I find myself going back to read that over and over again." -- Mike Grover

"If you're into sexual confusion, cross-gender experience, physical decay, & ecstasies of joy & agony, then [ME] is the book for you. I find more agony than joy in this one, but I guarantee that some of these poems will deliver you to the darkest, most distant places possible." - John Berbrich (From the Marrow #12)

"The Wren is the cosmic interweaving harmonica memory of springtime epiphanies and migrating shadows." Mark Weber (Zerx Press)

"Paper Heart... the yin and yang of lust and desire." -- Grafton Haber, reviewer, Next Mag.

"[Journey Up the Coast] A real treat. One of my favorites." -- John Berbrich (From the Marrow #12 - reviews)

" [Equal Opportunity SledgeHammer] celebrates the yes-ness of the moment, whatever the despair of the times.." -- G. Murray Thomas, SIC (now in it's fifth printing)

"[A Journey Up The Coast]... is reminiscent of the best road poem of all - Song of Myself."
-- Todd Moore (now in it's second printing)

"Scar Tissue is Winans at his least guarded best."
-- Hugh Fox (now in it's second printing)

"Bill Shields' Meat Eater... as concentrated and powerful as a shot glass of bleach." --Rod Sperry

"normal's poems [Blood On the Floor]... stimulates conversations of the shadow, the skeleton, and the north wind." -- David Johansen (now in it's second printing)

"If you think you know A.D. Winans' work, think again!" -- Joyce Metzger, Editor, CER*BER*US (Scar Tissue & Remembering Bukowski)

"Bukowski emerges from the pages of this book as a powerful figure of genius. A crude, funny, outrageous, unpredictable, human & humane portrait is painted by Winans..." -- John Berbrich, Editor, From the Marrow (Remembering Bukowski)

" I enjoyed reading El Pagano. Still producing tough, sharp and emotional material. Good job man." -- Alex Thiltges.

"Kudos to a reasonable, aware chapbook press!" - Tim Scannell

"The Little Red Book Series you've got going gets a thumbs-up from us here and features good poets." -- Peter Magliocco, The Mag Man
"...instead of delivering rough and callous, Bukowski-type soliloquies that are congruent to what his appearence may suggest, Raindog is more comfortable tapping into the dreamy and idealistic workings of his heart, and discussing the women he loved." - Holly Matter Modern Art press release.

"We received two...from the Little Red Book series. You can carry one in the coat pocket along with the passport. The passport will take one out of the country. The books...will transport one out into the galaxy." -- Speer Presents (Beatlick News 12-99)

"a nicely laid out book..." -- Woodrow (Beer Can Reviews)

"I'm particularly impressed with 'Any Abyss Will Do' by Will Taylor. I was previously unacquainted with Taylor's work and regard this little book as a revelation. Normal & I have been in contact for several years, & I'm always eager to read his deeply human, candid, idiosyncratic poetry... beautiful job on these Little Red Books - very attractive."

-- John Berbrich, editor of The Synergyst (3700 County Route 24, Russell, NY 13684)

"Maytag Heights (LRB 16) is a winner. The Chosen theme and selection process made for a cohesive collection, and one with a purpose. Reading it I figured out what to me makes a good poem about homelessness: the poet's ability to convey what it feels like to be homeless, or to be a homeless person of a particular kind. My picks would be 'The New Ice Age,' 'Symphony,' 'For Bill,' and 'A Place in the World." -- William Hart (Poet)

Lost Highway

The Little Red Book series (All titles are $5 + $1 postage)

From the latest additions down:

LRB 30 Cajun Flavored Mayonnaise by Rene Diedrich 42 pages
A first collection by this talented poet known to some as the "female Bukowski".

LRB 29 Lummox Book of Dayz (calendar) Features 150 Maxims by B.Z. Niditch 56 pages
Words to inspire, entertain and laugh along with.

LRB 28 Lost Highway - Blues Poetry Collection 15 poets 48 pages
A powerful mixture of good whiskey & bad men...

LRB 27 On/Off the Beaten Path by RD Armstrong 48 pages

LRB 26 Bombed in New Mexico by Todd Moore & Mark Weber 48 pages

LRB 25 Nomads of Oblivion by Scott Wannberg 46 pages (2nd printing) Listed on the LA Times Bestseller list Oct. 9 &
Bestselling non-fiction for the month of August - 2000 at Dutton's bookstore of Brentwood, CA

LRB 24 Apollo's Motorcycle by Frank Lonabaugh 48 pages

LRB 23 Blue Collar Work by Errol Miller 48 pages

LRB 22 Paper Heart Vol. 3 by Raindog 48 pages

LRB 20 The Corpse Is Dreaming by Todd Moore 48 pages
"...a phantom language of death & love & blood & the dark kiss rising." -- Tony Moffeit, poet & reviewer

LRB 19 No Earthly Sense Gets It Right by Linda Lerner 56 pages

LRB 18 The Iceberg Theory by Gerald Locklin 56 pages
As heard on MPR's The Writer's Almanac, mid-August, 2000

LRB 17 ME by Hugh/Connie Fox 48 pages

LRB 16 Maytag Heights by various poets 48 pages Fundraiser for Habitat For Humanity

LRB 15 Blood on the Floor by normal (2nd) 56 pages

LRB 14 Any Abyss Will Do by William Taylor Jr. (2nd) 56 pages

LRB 13 Hang Gliding On X by Scott C. Holstad 48 pages

LRB 12 The Inside-Out World of BZ Niditch 48 pages

LRB 10 Journey Up The Coast by RD Armstrong (2nd) 48 pages

LRB 9 Remembering Bukowski by A.D. Winans 48 pages

LRB 8 Eyes Like Mingus - Jazz Poetry Anthology (2nd) 46 pages

LRB 7 Apology to the Idiots by Laura Joy Lustig 48 pages

LRB 6 Scar Tissue by A.D. Winans (2nd) 48 pages

LRB 5 Meat Eater by Bill Shields 48 pages

LRB 4 Bone by Todd Moore & RD Armstrong (2nd) 48 pages

LRB 3 Equal Opportuniy Sledgehammer by Scott Wannberg (5th) 48 pages (out of print)

Bourbon Skin by Jackie Kras (formerly LRB 21) 22 pages

The Manx Tales by RD Armstrong (2nd) 48 pages $5

GRIT #1 - The Journal of Abrasive Literature 36 pages $4

LRB Master Series #1 (perfect bound)
The Wren Notebook by Rick Smith ISBN 1-929878-16-8 $10

"The Wren Notebook is first-class in all respects, Rick Smith's feathered persona is a unique and fertile inspiration, allowing the personal and the imaginative to coalesce wherever wrens and humans venture." -- Gerald Locklin, Poet and Teacher (CSULB)

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